Textnovel.com, LLC announced that Saoirse Redgrave, 1st prize winner of the 2008 Textnovel Writing Contest (http://www.textnovel.com/), has accepted a three book publishing deal with St. Martin's Press. The initial novel in the series is scheduled for release in the Fall of 2010 and will be her prize winning story. "13 to Life: A Werewolf's Tale," which she wrote on Textnovel.com in serial form over the course of only five weeks with interactive reader input.
Michael Homler, editor at St. Martin's Press, commented "I first read Saoirse's story after hearing that she won the Textnovel writing contest. I could immediately tell she had created a great young adult novel. She has developed characters with unique and compelling voices and an exciting plot and concept. We were very pleased we were the winning bidder for Saoirse's three-book series and I look forward to working with her to make it successful."
Stan Soper, literary agent and founder of Textnovel, commented, "We were very pleased that St. Martin's Press, a top national publisher, was able to see the potential in Saoirse's work. Textnovel.com was designed to help authors take their writing to the next level and to help publishers validate the market potential of new fiction. This contract further validates our model and should give new authors confidence that participating in our unique writing format and contests are a viable path to success and publication."
After winning the 2008 writing contest, Ms. Redgrave chose Stan Soper, literary agent and founder of Textnovel.com, as her exclusive agent to represent her story to potential publishers. More information about Ms. Redgrave and her novel can be found on her site at http://13tolife.us/.